Hey-o, Word-wielders,
Spring is coming! I know it's still February and all, and in Canada February is NOT spring. Like, we still can get snow in April. However, I am doing prompts on spring anyway. If you want to laugh at me, that is up to you. (Side note, I accidentally wrote "that is up to me" at first. Silly me.)
Write about . . .
- A world where spring is feared.
- A poem about the lion and lamb of March personified.
- A poetic list of all the things you love about spring.
- A story involving a disaster and a garden.
- A story about a disastrous garden.
- A poem from the animals' point of spring
- A piece using the new life of spring as a metaphor for new growth in the character's life.
- A piece about all the wild things you can do in spring.
- A story where this spring, all the green things turn purple.
- A world where spring never comes.
There's ten prompts about spring. Let me know what pieces you craft from these prompts, and consider submitting them to Write the Good Fight's Library.
May you live for Christ and give Him praise!
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