Welcome to the Library

Looking for free resources, stories, book lists, and more? This is the place.

The Stacks

Short Stories

Short stories, from 99 word flash fiction to longer tales.


Metaphors and similes, alliteration and symbolism. Poetry upon poetry.


Other people's blog posts, free books, book lists and behind the scenes content.

Want to submit your own work? Shoot me an email or fill out the contact form for a chance to be included in the library.

Questions about submitting:

Do I keep the rights to my work?

Yes. You still keep all rights to any of your pieces featured on WTGF.

Are there guidelines for submitting?

Yes. I have a document with guidelines.

What if I don't want my piece on WTGF anymore?

Just use the contact form or email me telling me your name and the piece you want taken down and I will remove it.

Can I use a pen name?

Definately. Just let me know along with your submission.