What If? The Question of Inspiration

Published on 16 August 2024 at 13:01

Hey-o, Word-wielders


Yes, I have a new title for you guys. It was time I made up my own instead of using someone else's. (You did not read that last sentence. You didn't.)


Anyways, today I'll be talking about one way you can create an idea, whether for a short story, a poem, or even a full-blown 20 book series. 

What if?

This question has so much potential within. What if there was gold under your house? What if your sister was really an exotic princess stolen as a baby? What if chocolate was really a special kind of mud? With what if, the possibilities are beyond huge.

Now, for some examples of questions authors could've asked that led to the stories they wrote (beware if you don't want spoilers):


What if. . .Tasmanian tigers weren't extinct? (Music For Tigers by Michelle Kadarusman)

What if. . .a couple got a girl when they expected to be adopting a boy? (Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery)

What if. . .you didn't live in the time you thought you did? (Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix)

What if. . .there were robots pretending to be students? (The School For Whatnots by Margaret Peterson Haddix)


Or you can do it during planning, like I did to think of things readers wouldn't expect in my novel-in-planning, My Only Name is Honor.


Now that you've seen some examples, why don't you try it yourself? What ideas can you come up with?


May you live for Christ and give Him praise



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